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December 7+18, 1996 The first trials of photo radar tickets are now happening

Come watch the proceedings, talk strategy, and learn how to fight your tickets. Suit and tie not required! You'll need to call up your local court registry and ask what time the photo radar traffic trials are scheduled (if they're not sure, tell them the ticket numbers begin with 'S'). Photo radar trials are usually scheduled in blocks, so you won't need to watch all the other cases. When you arrive at the courthouse, check the bulletin boards for correct courtroom. If you attend any trials and see something interesting, please let us know!

December 13, 1996 Fight your tickets!
Despite media reports that few people show up to fight their tickets, and even fewer win, a number of cases so far (about 10%-20%) have been won on simply because the certificates introduced by the crown have faulty information on them. Although SENSE has not been to all the trials, we are hearing reports that many of the Justices of the Peace are very sympathetic to the defendant's arguments (after all, they know they're going to get nailed too!) The best defence is to do your research and attend trials to watch others. Also, many defendants are having their fines reduced and/or time to pay lengthened. You'll need to state that the payment of the fine will be a hardship. Producing a copy of your clean driving record and/or no at-fault accidents might also help.

December 7, 1996 First full trial of a photo radar ticket in BC
The first full trial of a photo radar ticket in BC occurred in the Burnaby Provincial Court at approximately 11:00 AM on Saturday, December 7, 1996. The justice of the peace ruled that the evidence of the crown proved the offence -- specifically exceeding the posted speed limit on Willingdon Street (posted at 50 km/h, allegedly travelling at 64 km/h) in Burnaby. The defendant, through an interpreter, but without benefit of a lawyer, was unable to present a valid defence against the crown prosecutor -- a lawyer. It is evident that the initial cases of photo radar will be rail-roaded through the court system, to the detriment of average citizens who find themselves at the wrong end of the NDP's automated tax collection system. The defendant, an older gentleman with a good driving record (who did not believe that he was travelling at the stated speed) became the first victim of a system designed not to punish excessive speeders, but to raise money by nailing everyday transgressors of a simplistic law.

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2001 + | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996
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