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The BC Offence Act
Sections Related to Disputing Tickets 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information presented here is based upon best available information at time of posting. SENSE does not assume any liability pertaining to the accuracy of the information presented. Readers are advised to verify information they intend to rely upon.
  • As of April 21, 1997, the British Columbia statutes have been consolidated (the sections were renumbered). Both current and old section numbers are listed.
  • Effective June 15, 1998 (Regulation No. 179/98) and July 15, 1999 (Regulation No. 215/99), a number of changes have been made to the Offence Act as a result of the Traffic Safety Statutes Amendment Act, 1997.
  • Effective October 22, 1999 (Regulation No. 344/99), a number of changes have been made to the Offence Act as a result of the Offence Amendment Act (No. 2), 1997.

14 [was 14] - Violation ticket

15 [was 14.1] - Disputing violation ticket

16 [was 14.2] - Failure to respond to ticket

 Rev: 1999.10.26 contact SENSEtext map of SENSE web siteback to SENSE home pageback to top of this page