January 8, 1998 DEFENCE TECHNIQUE FOR PHOTO RADAR TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE TO INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES VANCOUVER -- On December 18th, a Maple Ridge court threw out a photo radar ticket issued to Columbia Dodge, an automobile dealership, which was found to have acted responsibly in lending it's vehicle to an employee. Transcripts of the decision were recently obtained. The successful defence was based upon a one-page form completed prior to lending the vehicle out. This form and additional information on the defence technique is now available to the public on the SENSE web site's new "PREVENTING TICKETS" page. The BC laws allow an owner to defend a photo radar ticket under section 83.1(3)(b) of the Motor Vehicle Act if they can prove that they "exercised reasonable care and diligence in entrusting the motor vehicle to the person who was, at the time of the contravention, in possession of the motor vehicle." However, establishing this proof of reasonable care to the satisfaction of the court can be impossible for individuals and small businesses that do not maintain little known fleet management procedures. The vast majority of owners who responsibly lend their vehicles would never be aware of the various specific requirements set down in case law and are thus left unable to successfully defend a ticket. SENSE believes that individuals and businesses who safely lend their vehicles to family, friends, and employees should not bear the cost of tickets for the illegal actions of another person. Although the government established a "nominated driver" process to permit owners to transfer the ticket, this process requires both the agreement of the driver and the residency of the driver in BC, and then adds three penalty points to the driver's record. For owners who lend their vehicles to out-of-province guests or transient employees, the nomination option is not available and they are stuck with the costs. The government's revenue motivated enforcement policies seek payment from the person with the deepest pockets (the owner), and then fail to punish the person who committed the illegal act. The new form "Record of Owner Responsibility - Photo Radar Tickets" (which must be completed prior to the offence occurring) and background information is now available on the SENSE web site. This information and form are being provided as a public service only and is not a government prescribed form. Successful application will depend upon future court decisions and sincere attempts by owners to obtain compliance from their drivers. This form is not a replacement for responsible behaviour, but may be a concise method to document it. SENSE (Safety by Education Not Speed Enforcement) welcomes media enquiries on all issues concerning speed enforcement. Our web site (www.sense.bc.ca) is the world's largest on-line photo radar resource, and has news and information on the BC photo radar program, other photo radar programs world-wide, and fighting tickets. – 30 –