Photo Radar Rears its Ugly Head…Again.

Photo Radar Rears its Ugly Head…Again.

Yes, we get hate mail: Hello. You have certainly acquired a lot of publicity over your views. Good for you. I just watched a story on Global BC news. Apparently municipal leaders want photo radar back. Just as a point, how many members of SENSE? Just wondering if you...

Travel Warning: BC Speeding Laws and Police Stranding Drivers?

  British Columbia’s Excessive Speeding Laws mandate the impoundment of vehicles traveling 40kph/25mph over the limit, and that’s stranding travellers. By Neil Johnston Neil Johnston is the Motorcycle & Auto writer of &...
Dear morons who drive in the wrong lane

Dear morons who drive in the wrong lane

Andrew Clark is an award-winning journalist and screenwriter living in Toronto. His last book, ‘A Keen Soldier: The Execution of Second World War Private Harold Pringle’, was nominated for the Pearson Writers’ Trust Non-fiction Prize, Drainie-Taylor...
Left Lane Bandits

Left Lane Bandits

This week St. John Alexander at CTV News produced an excellent two part feature entitled “Left Lane Bandits” describing one of the most annoying and dangerous creatures on BC highways. The news piece caused quite a buzz on various social media...

Motorcycle noise story draws fire.

Today Ian Mulgrew wrote in The Vancouver Sun in his article “Excessive noise is in the ear of the beholder”; Bruce Wayne used self-procurement to equip his alter-ego, Batman, but why would we let B.C. cops pack their own unregulated crime-fighting devices?...

Speed limiters are not new and are not safe.

We frequently receive inquiries from individuals / companies regarding new devices for traffic safety. This week we have had repeated requests by email and on Twitter, from a correspondent in Italy, to review an invention to automatically limit speeds. “The new...