Let’s talk about tires

Let’s talk about tires

With the recent heavy snowfall in the normally temperate Lower Mainland, the subject of mandatory winter tires made the news. Unfortunately (as is so often the case) media coverage has been high on emotion and opinion, while falling short on facts. When SENSE BC is...
Photo Radar Totin’ Edmonton Mayor Gets an Earful

Photo Radar Totin’ Edmonton Mayor Gets an Earful

This week another politician learned exactly what people think about Photo Radar. Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson wrote a condescending and inflammatory article in his blog about drivers and photo radar saying he was “fed up” with photo radar critics and...
Let the majority travel legally this summer

Let the majority travel legally this summer

Chris Klimek from Oshawa, Ontario is the founder of www.stop100.ca – group which demands increasing Ontario 400-series highway speed limit to globally recognized 120 and 130 km/h. With each summer season, I am astounded at the amount of injustice happening on...