Doctors Should Leave Engineering to Engineers.

Doctors Should Leave Engineering to Engineers.

To pick up a Times Colonist, you’d think Photo Radar was a real life saver. Here’s another misguided piece, praising the Provincial Health Officer and his call for Photo Radar, that we responded to, but that (no surprise) didn’t make it into print....
Distracted Driving – An Inconvenient Truth

Distracted Driving – An Inconvenient Truth

By Derek Lewers I am an avid news junkie with a keen interest in analyzing and applying critical thinking to news, especially when it comes to government policies. I often find statistics manipulated to suit the narrative of the day. The issue of distracted driving /...
Photo Radar Totin’ Edmonton Mayor Gets an Earful

Photo Radar Totin’ Edmonton Mayor Gets an Earful

This week another politician learned exactly what people think about Photo Radar. Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson wrote a condescending and inflammatory article in his blog about drivers and photo radar saying he was “fed up” with photo radar critics and...
It’s time to wrangle left-lane bandits

It’s time to wrangle left-lane bandits

This was authored by Ian Tootill and originally published by The Vancouver Sun on June 23rd 2014. On July 2, 2014 Minister of Transportation Todd Stone announced the results of the BC Rural Highway Speed Review which included concerns by survey participants regarding...

Dr. Perry Kendall responds to SENSE BC criticism

Update: July 21, 2014: Dr. Perry’s response to criticism in his letter to the editor of The Vancouver Sun: Dr. Perry Kendall, has responded to our criticism that doctors are not road safety engineers and that they should stick to what they know. Yes, he’s...