Last week, when we were interviewed by The Province News I was told by the reporter that our methodology sounded “too theoretical” or “radical”. Let us be clear there is nothing new, radical or theoretical about the proper setting of speed limits. If you want proof, you do not have to go far to find it. Two brief examples are set out below. Is there any place more conservative than Republican stronghold Arizona?
After you are done reading their speed limit setting methods, please check out BC’s very own speed limit review, that was commissioned in 2002, and see what the engineers told your provincial government.
From the Arizona Dept. of Transport Website concerning Establishing Speed Limits:
Speed zoning is based upon several fundamental concepts deeply rooted in our American system of government and law.
Driving behavior is an extension of social attitude, and the majority of drivers respond in a safe and reasonable manner as demonstrated by their consistently favorable driving records.
The normally careful and competent actions of a reasonable person should be considered legal.
Laws are established for the protection of the public and the regulation of unreasonable behavior on the part of individuals.
Laws cannot be effectively enforced without the consent and voluntary compliance of the public majority.
Public acceptance of these concepts is normally instinctive. However, the same public, when emotionally aroused in a specific instance, will often reject these fundamentals and rely instead on more comfortable and widely held misconceptions, such as:
Speed limit signs will slow the speed of traffic.
Speed limit signs will decrease the accident rate and increase safety.
Raising a posted speed limit will cause an increase in the speed of traffic.
Any posted speed limit must be safer than an unposted speed limit, regardless of the traffic and roadway conditions prevailing.
look around the world! If you think people around the world will follow your idea of driving style you are going to have a surprise! Most people are laughing at us and think we are under more control in some respect than any formal communist country.
get our of the old age and smell the new way of living and lifestyle. I have been here for 30 years but more and more often think to get out of here as the rules and regulations are do not remind me to be in a free country but rather in a police state. f this. I was under control under the communist regime back in eastern Europe, but not with driving and traffic. this money grabbing is worst than anything. Lighten up and listen to the people. you are thinking that we are all bad and shoot before asking. this is not a description of a developed 1st word country. this is a hidden control to grab money and make people’s life miserable and set up the unfortunate for failure
you guys are inhuman and uptight. very uptight. your thinking is from some other world and it is not real. the cars and roads are today are fit for higher speed limit. it is so obvious that the limit is saturated deliberately so icbc /police can get more cash to pay the bonuses. and you call yourself the best place in the world???? kidding me? with the highest child poverty, lowest speed limit, most homelessness, lower minimum wages, highest transfer property tax, highest insurance, lowest paid teachers, trade etc.???? brain washing is working through media and papers. good job on that. i am as a tax payer highly disappointed of this government as this government is not working for the people of british columbia but the people of bc of the rich. would be nice to be honest once in a life time. try it for change and you would be surprised how the support would change.
Whoa Eva! We’re on your side, can’t you tell? 🙂
The new speed limits of 30 km on dallas road in Victoria,oak bay are not in accordance with this article,it is more like a whim of persons that advocated it just recently,I am 82 years been driving since 1952,never had a accident.The speed limit on the highway used to be 60 miles an hour,until we had a gasoline shortage and 50 miles an hour was instituded,zealots in power are making our country into a nanny state.I am running for MLA TO FIGHT for a free CANADA.